Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Allergic Reaction

When I got Matthew up today and fed him his morning bottle, he seemed just fine. Then I noticed his neck was red, but I thought it was from him laying on my arm. Then I turned on the lights and it looked like he had been in the sun for ten hours. I undressed him and that is when I saw the hives and huge welts on his body. Needless to say I was pretty freaked out! I got him to the doctor this morning to learn that he was having an allergic reaction to penicillin, just like his daddy. I thought it was weird that he had been on the antibiotic for a week and now was showing signs, but they said it was perfectly normal. So, we will be staying away from penicillin for quite a while. The doctor said many babies outgrow the allergy and we can try again in a few years. As for the hives, they will go away in 2-3 days. He is on a new antibiotic to help clear the double ear infection from last week which is still here, though not nearly as bad as last week. He has been cranky and not too happy today, I would too if I was covered with these hives. Diaper changes seem to be the most difficult for him to handle, probably due to all the friction and rubbing on the hot spots. The pictures I posted show it all. It seems to be more painful for Ryan and I though than it is for Matthew.

Other than that Matthew is doing very well. He is a pro at moving backwards and circling until he reaches his target. He has taken a few small nudges forward while rocking on his knees. I took some video and will post it as soon as I have time. So, in the meantime you can look at the hives photos if you want. Poor guy!

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