Friday, March 6, 2009

Just teeth!

I took Matthew to the ENT today after calling about the recent changes in behavior. They wanted to see him just to be on the safe side. Luckily his tubes are still in place. The right tube is still fully in his eardrum and the left tube is hanging on by a thread in his eardrum and will most likely fall out in the next few months. He doesn't have any infection or irritation either, so that was good news. His nose and throat are good as are his lungs. The doctor thinks his two-year molars are pushing forward into place and that is what is causing such the drastic change of behavior. So, with that being said, we are using some Tylenol and Orajel when he seems to be upset. I will take him back in early July for another recheck of the tubes.

We enjoyed the beautiful weather today with a long walk around the neighborhood with Matthew and the dogs. He enjoyed seeing all the people out playing and walking and especially the honking geese. They were pretty funny to Matthew as he tried to imitate them. We are going to try to get in as much family time this weekend before Ryan goes back to work on Monday! He got a call yesterday asking him if he could start a week early. So for the next 30 days or so he will be working twelve hour days, seven days a week with an hour drive time each way. He might have the option of working nights (7pm-7am) instead of days (7am-7pm) and we are hoping that will work out. If he works nights he will get a chance to see Matthew for about an hour a day instead of nothing if he works days. On nights he will get home around 8:15 am and have a quiet house to sleep in while I am at work and Matthew is at daycare. He will be awake once we get home at 4:00 and not have to leave until 5:30. The next month will be a long one for all of us, but well worth it. We have been waiting 12 weeks to hear that phone ring! Once the shutdown is over, Ryan will once again be laid off until work picks up here, but hopefully by mid-April they will have more work. Only time will tell!

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