Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sitting on the Potty

I know that in the future when Matthew looks back to this he is going to kill me for posting this picture, but oh well! We have embarked on the task of potty training Matthew. To start, we just wanted him to become familiar with the potty and what it is for. Since he can't verbalize to us yet if or when he has to use the potty it makes this step a little hard. To our surprise, Matthew loves to sit on the potty, so why stop him! We started on Monday and he sat three times for over a half-hour each. While he sits, he likes to read books, it is just too cute. For the past few days it seems like he has the urge to go, but doesn't know to just let go on the potty. Last night, he used it for the first time and was super excited when Ryan and I did the happy dance and rewarded him with lots of cheer and a Junior Mint. First thing this morning, once he was up and out of his crib, he ran to the bathroom to sit on his potty. Though he sat for a half-hour and didn't do anything, we were still happy with him for wanting to sit there and starting to connect what the potty is for. We don't want to rush this, so when he decides that he is done for now, we will put it away and try again later.

We also are in the process of moving Matthew into a big boy bed and out of his crib. He is having some troubles understanding that even though he can get out of his bed whenever he wants, he needs to sleep in it too. He is having too much fun now. I wanted to have this step completed this summer because I am home and can work with him. We will keep you posted on our new adventures!


Michelle Meister said...

Wow Laurie! I can't believe what a big boy he is! With the bed, do you have one of the collapsable rails that slide under the mattress? That helped my boys to understand that they needed to stay in the bed when they switched over. If you don't have one and want to try one out, let me know. I still have ours. Good luck with the potty training. It's definitely a daunting task, but such a rewarding one when everything clicks! :)

The Chenery Family said...

Yes, we have a bed rail, but thanks for the offer. He can still get out of bed by the end of the bed though. I am sure he will figure it out sooner or later...hopefully!