Wednesday, August 18, 2010

7 months

Drew is now 7 months old...I know I can't believe it too! He is a big bundle of giggles and is always happy and laid back. I think you would have to be living under the same roof as Matthew (with all the noise of a three year old) and two crazy dogs. He loves to be on his belly and will move as fast as he can to get to any toys he sees, especially if they are Matthew's. He loves to be tossed in the air and is very, very ticklish.

As you can see from this picture (one of his favorite things to do is fly through the air), Drew is not shy when it comes to eating and is now eating three meals a day plus his bottles. He had peas tonight for the first time and surprisingly liked them, unlike Matthew. I think his favorite so far is butternut squash, nectarines, pears, and sweet potato and his Yo Baby yogurt. Those are the foods that he will gobble up the quickest. Matthew has joined in the feeding routines and will hold Drew's bottle for him as he washes down his solids. That seems to be Matthew's favorite time of the day!

He has been teething a lot lately and cut his two top teeth about two weeks ago. Now he is starting to cut another tooth on the top, next to his top ones. We found this hat in his bedroom today and decided to see if it fit. It was a gift given to Matthew at Christmas from our Aunt Lyn, but was way too small for Matthew, so we saved it for Drew and it fits him already. So, thank you Aunt Lyn!

Bath time is fun now that the boys can take a bath together. Less water and more fun for Matthew. He was hanging up the foam letters for Drew today and learning to share by letting Drew chew on the letter 'D'. This was a major step for Matthew because he is very territorial over his toys at home and doesn't want Drew to break he says.

Ryan and I booked a weekend at Great Wolf Lodge in late October to take Matthew as a special surprise. Heck, we are super stoked to go there too. I love water slides and the lazy river. Matthew will also get to go to his first MSU game in a few weeks. They are playing a game at Ford Field and we got him tickets for his birthday. As Drew gets bigger, Matthew likes him more and more. I look forward to the days where they are running around and playing together, though I don't want to wish away their childhood, because it has already gone by way too fast! Enjoy the newest pictures :)

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