Ryan finally went back to work yesterday after being off for a combined six months. Since being laid off in December he has only worked five weeks until now. Knowing that his job is unpredictable like this we saved up and were able to keep our heads above water. Thank you for our family and friends for their support during this bumpy road for us. He jumped back into work full force, working seven twelves until mid-August! We are not complaining at all, in fact we are thrilled. Granted it means we will not see him that much for the next months or so, but we got in a lot of great family time over the past months. After the long hours are over, they should move to four tens, which is great news for football season! From the sounds of it, this company will have work for at least a year, not including the other jobs they pick up along the way. It all worked out for the best. There was a call out for Wisconsin last week and we found out that Ryan was one guy away from being called. Had he been called, he would have been in Wisconsin and not here to get this job.
Matthew finished up swimming lessons this week and absolutely loved them. We already are planning to take the same class again next year. One of his favorite things in jumping off the edge by himself (to my arms) and going completely underwater. I posted pictures to our photo site (along with a recent boating trip). Enjoy!