Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sorry so long!

We have been very busy in the Chenery household in the past few weeks. Going back to work full time has definitely been an adjustment, but a good one. I love my job and I love what I do there. It has been very nice to get back into a routine with work and being a mommy the same time. Matthew loves being at daycare and smiles at Deah now when I drop him off. That is very comforting. Matthew can almost roll over from his back to his tummy. He can get up onto his side and kick his leg over, but he just can't get that pinned arm undone to be fully rolled over. I think it will happen very soon though.

Matthew is like clockwork, waking up with our alarm at 5:30 to eat. After he is done eating and he is dressed for the day, he goes back to sleep. He usually stays asleep until after he arrives at daycare. Setting up times to pump at work have been a little difficult, but I have been making it work. Since every afternoon has a different schedule, I just do it when I can. We had Open House at school this past Thursday and Ryan brought Matthew for a little while. Many of my students and their families that were there were excited to see him in person. On Friday night we went out for a few hours while Grandma and Grandpa Genisio watched Matthew and put him to bed. It was a late night for us...we were home at 10:00. Last night we went to a wedding reception with Matthew and he was wonderful there too. Then today we went to a first birthday for Alexis Lemmer. Last night he set a new sleep record though, sleeping for a ten hour stretch! We have taken some new photos and will get them uploaded soon. I hope everyone is doing well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Matthew has not beat his daddy's record yet. Ryan slept 14 hours a night on a regular basis by the time he was three months old! He could sleep like a rock anytime, anywhere.