Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Such a happy boy!

Matthew continues to enjoy being a baby! He is always smiling, laughing and enjoying every minute. Yesterday I had a baby "screaming" conversation with Matthew. He was not screaming out of anger, he was exploring his voice and the noise that comes out of it. Each time he "said" something, I would copy it and he thought that was just so cool and funny. We did it back and forth for a few minutes. He is now big enough to sit in his high chair at the dinner table while we eat. We used to put him in the bouncer, but I think he is getting too active and heavy to be on our table. He played with some toys in his high chair, mainly making lots of noise banging things on his tray. We still won't start any solids for six months though. That is about it for updates in the Chenery house! We are visiting Gull Meadow Farms this weekend, look for an update after Sunday (pictures too). We didn't go last weekend, it was way too hot to have him at the farm. By the way...those chubby cheecks are so much fun to kiss and pinch and love!

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