Tuesday, March 11, 2008

9 months!

I took Matthew to the pediatrician yesterday for his 9 month check-up. He only received two shots this time, so it was much nicer on his little leg. Matthew's nickname of Munchkin fits him very well. He is a proportionate little munchkin! He weighs 17 pounds 11.5 ounces (5th percentile), he is 27 inches long (also the 5th percentile) and his head is 17 and 3/4 inches (25th percentile). He is little for his age if you look at the growth charts, but he is also proportionate so we are not worried one bit. Plus look at Ryan and I...we are not the tallest people on the block!

I take him on Thursday afternoon to the Ear, Nose & Throat doctor for our appointment for Matthew's tubes. After talking to his doctor yesterday we think this will be the best treatment for Matthew considering his medical history to antibiotics. There are a few other options that we can try, such as continuous antibiotics or the three-day antibiotic shot. Both of those are out of the questions because of Matthew's reaction to antibiotics. We don't want him to build up an immunity to the select few antibiotics he can take and tolerate. The three-day antibiotic shot is too risky, again with his antibiotic reactions and background. I will learn more Thursday.

Other than that he has been very happy. He is eating breakfast, lunch and dinner and a few snacks. We just took away his morning bottle and added breakfast. He still receives about 20 ounces of formula a day plus water. He still does not like sippy cups, but will take water from an "adult" cup with assistance of course. He loves cheerios and puffs...so do the dogs! I swear more end up on the floor than in his mouth, but he is learning and it is so much fun. That is all for now. I will keep you posted after our appointment on Thursday.

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