Sunday, September 28, 2008

Petting Zoo

We had a great weekend! The weather was gorgeous and we were home for it! On Friday night we met up with the Koop family and took the three boys to Wedels for their family day. They had greyhound adoptions, a pumpkin launcher, a bounce house, fire trucks and a petting zoo. At first Matthew was a little taken back by the animals, especially the sheep and the donkey, but he soon warmed up to them. On Saturday I attended a baby shower for a high school friend which was very nice. At night we went to the Schonveld's house for a gathering and a chance for Matthew and Brady to play together. It is neat to think that Lindsay and I are one month exactly apart in age and Matthew and Brady are two months apart in age. It will be fun for them (and us) to grow up together. They are two totally different boys in every aspect of life which makes it very fun. We left around 10:00 because Matthew was starting to get tired. He did very well for being up two hours past his bedtime. We spent today chasing Matthew around the house and playing. The more we chase, the faster he goes and the louder he laughs. He is just such a happy boy.

In other news he finally cut two more molars on Friday and we are awaiting the last one in a week or so. His molars have caused him more discomfort and pain compared to his other teeth. It is nice to have them cut through his gums. We also want to send a congratulations to Sam and Chuck Eidson. Sam gave birth to twins (a boy and a girl) on Friday morning! The babies were great size for being a month early and being twins. Maddie was 6.10 and 22" and Tripp was 5.14 and 19". They are the future of basketball and volleyball! We wish you a speedy recovery.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Matthew is absolutely adorable! You probably get his all the time, but he looks so much like you! I would love to get our boys together sometime! It would be so fun! I will let you know when I'm in town!