Friday, January 23, 2009

No News...

Today marked Ryan being off of work for six weeks. We are still holding out hope that they will need more fitters in Milwaukee and Ryan can ship out soon, but those hopes are dwindling. So, for now, Ryan is keeping up with the chores around the house and finishing the "honey do" list. We are keeping Matthew at Deah's for many reasons. First off, we don't want to lose our place there. Matthew loves it there, he loves his friends and we love Deah and Sonja. Secondly, Matthew needs that routine of going to Deah's and if Ryan were to leave, going back to daycare and losing Daddy at the same time could be too hard on him, especially if we had to switch daycare too. So we continue to wait and keep our fingers crossed that things will pick up here. That is the update for now...we will keep you posted when things change...hopefully soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think we're as in the dark as you guys are there. Best of luck...and soon!