Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Back to Work!

Ryan went back to work last Monday and is slowly getting back into the routine of working. Last week was all about training, background checks, and drug testing to make sure he was not a terrorist! He along with 600 other workers started. The other 600 started this week! This is a huge job, but a short one. The goal for the project to be finished is April 21st. He should start his twelve hour days on Sunday and work every day until the final date. Then he will be laid off again. Hopefully the economy will be improving ever so slightly to have more jobs available through the union. If not, Ryan will play the waiting game again, but at least this time he can utilize the boat on the boring days!

Matthew is doing well too! He is finally starting to talk and is using some words on a regular basis such as momma, dada, nana, papa (for all grandparents), Ojala (sounds like Halwa), Norm, Deah, Sonja, hi, bye, ouchie, yeah, no, up, ummmm, and of course cheese (especially when I am taking photos of him...go figure!). If we ask him to try a word, he will give it his all, but usually won't get it all out or remember it for now. Anyway, we are thrilled with the words he is saying now.

We hope everyone had a great St. Patty's day! Enjoy the warmer weather!

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