Sunday, November 7, 2010

Update on us

Since out last post, Drew turned 9 months, we went to Great Wolf Lodge with Matthew and Drew started to pull himself onto things and walk while holding on and celebrated Halloween! So, here we go...

At Drew's last appointment (October 21st) he weighed 20 pounds, 14 ounces (50th percentile) and he was 27.5 inches long (25th percentile). He is much bigger than Matthew ever was at this age, heck he is bigger than Matthew was at a year old! It is weird to pull out the 12-18 month clothes for him considering Matthew was still in those clothes at age 2. Drew loves to stand up and walk around on the furniture or if we are holding his hands. He is saying a ton of sounds (mama, dada, baba) but not in context yet. Again, something we didn't experience with Matthew at this age due to his ears. He is happy all the time and loves to interact with Matthew, though Matthew is not always so enthusiastic about it. Drew is now working on more teeth. Even though none have cut the surface, he is chewing on everything. He looks so grown up with 8 teeth already!

We took Matthew up to Great Wolf Lodge in Traverse City a few weeks ago and left Drew at home with Grandma and Grandpa Genisio for two nights. We had a blast! Matthew loved all the slides, the water, the "tree fort", the pools, the lazy river, trick or treating in the hotel and being with his friends. We went with our friends Lisa and Don and their boys Silas and Wes as well as Matt and Heidi and their son Jack. We look forward to making this an annual trip with the kids. I think Ryan and I had just as much fun as Matthew did. Even though there is something there for everyone, we were glad we kept Drew at home. We wouldn't have been able to experience it all if we had him with us. We look forward to taking him next year with us.

Halloween was a blast and Matthew and Jack loved trick or treating in the neighborhood together. Matthew was a tiger and Drew was a dinosaur. Drew came along for the ride and his favorite part of the night was when Matthew got tired and got in the wagon with him. Matthew has a ton of candy to eat over the next few months and boy does that kid LOVE chocolate...not sure where he got that from ;)

Matthew hit a growth spurt and is getting taller. We noticed that his 3T pants are now a little short in length, but the waist is still incredibly big. Not sure where he puts it all, but that boy can put away some food! He is completely potty trained and has been since August, including at night. During our entire potty training experience Matthew only had one nighttime accident and it was our fault. We weren't paying attention to the time and gave him a little too much to drink before bed. He is so proud of himself and we are too! It is so nice to only have one in diapers again. Matthew's speech is getting better by the week and he is saying full sentences now. He can express what he wants and what he wants his brother to do. I think his favorite saying of the week is "No Drew, that's MY train set. Get your own toys!". Yea, sharing with Drew is not high on his list at the moment.

Matthew has expressed that he wants to go to school. I think it is because he sees Silas getting on the bus every morning to go to Young 5's and he wants to go with him. Since we can't send him to preschool due to our work schedules, we are lucky he has school time at daycare. He works on his letters, letter sounds, numbers, coloring, cutting, shapes, colors, songs and most importantly socialization with other kids his own age. He loves to come home and sing his songs to us. Our art board is getting quite full of his artwork and he loves looking at it. Since he knows all his letter names and can identify his letters at random, we are working on his letter sounds at home with songs.

As usual, we have taken a bunch of pictures of the kids. You can see them at our picture site. Enjoy!

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