Friday, April 4, 2008

Ten Months

Matthew turned ten months yesterday! We made a trip to the doctor's office because we thought he was getting another ear infection. As of yesterday he was okay. There was not enough water in his ears to warrant an antibiotic, but as the doctor put it "it doesn't mean that by next week you won't be back here with a full blown infection". With Matthew's track record of fluid in the ears, we will be back next week for sure. Only two more weeks until his tubes and hopefully this all will be over with! It is just so frustrating because his ear infections are not due to a virus, his body makes the infection because his ear passages can't drain the natural fluid in his ears correctly. Only a few of the infections have actually been a result of being sick. When we were at the doctor's office, Matthew was weighed and he was 19 pounds 8 ounces with clothes and a diaper on, so I would guess he is about 18 1/2 pounds or so. Still small for his age.

My spring break officially started today at noon, so Matthew is home with me for one full week! We are going shopping at Michigan City on Monday and then just hanging out for the rest of the week. I am hoping for some nice weather to get Matthew outdoors. We went to visit the Keller's yesterday as well. Their daughter, Lyla Cooper Keller, was born about a week ago. It was so nice to hold her and remember back to when Matthew was only seven pounds! Well, have a wonderful weekend!

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