Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Enjoying the Week

Matthew's great-grandparents are in town for the week from Arizona. We have spent a lot of time with them over the weekend and this week before they leave to go home this weekend. Uncle Brian, Aunt Cara, and cousin Maia came to town this past weekend to spend time with everyone. It is nice to see the age gap between Maia and Matthew start to shrink. They are able to interact more now and it will only get better. On Sunday I went to Jackson for a bridal shower and Matthew was cared for by the great-grandparents and Grandma Genisio. We went to the casino on Monday and had a good time as well. Last night was Ryan's fishing tournament, so Matthew and I had our traditional Tuesday night dinner at Grandma's. Today Matthew and I went to lunch with great-grandma and great-grandpa and we will have dinner with them tomorrow evening as well. We are trying to get as much time with them as we can because we don't get to see them often.

It has been very hot and sticky here this week which makes playing outdoors a slim option for Matthew, so the visit was great timing. This weekend we look forward to some "Daddy time" on Sunday. Ryan will have his first day off (keeping our fingers crossed) in two weeks. If he gets Sunday off, we plan on taking Matthew to the zoo for some family time.

In other news, Matthew continues to work on is walking skills. Just last night he traveled from his crib to the guest bathroom before realizing what he was doing and fell. He is taking more and more steps each try. We are also practicing walking with his shoes outside so he can get used to that. That is all for now, we hope this finds everyone happy and healthy!

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