Monday, September 7, 2009

Ear Update

Ryan and I took Matthew to the ENT late last week for a two month check-up. He still has fluid on his eardrum, especially on the right side. We are trying him on children's Zyrtek for now to see if that will help to reduce or eliminate the fluid on the eardrum. I take him back in November (or sooner if he gets an infection) to see the progress. If he continues to collect fluid then we will have to go with a second set of tubes. The doctor put it this way, what he hears is similar to hearing under water. He can hear noise and pitches, but can't really understand the actual word, making it hard for him to learn new words. What he hears when he talks is right to him even though it might not sound right to us. So it is a two month waiting game again to see what will happen next.

I am now 20 weeks along today and tomorrow is our big ultrasound. We are hoping that this baby will cooperate like Matthew did and we can easily tell the gender. I still have no clue or ideas as to what we are having. Tomorrow is also the first day of the new school year and I am very eager to get it started! I want to meet my new class, many of whom are new to the school through the recent redistricting. This also marks the 80th year my building has been open. It is the oldest building in the district. Our new school opens next summer.

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