Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It's a...

We had our ultrasound today and we are having another boy! We couldn't be happier. We just wanted to make sure that everything was developing correctly and it is. His brain, spine, heart, kidneys, arms and legs look great and the heart rate was 154. He weighs about 12 ounces now. We couldn't get a good measurement on his length because he was pretty curled up in a ball. Ryan and I quickly saw the "boy" parts before the ultrasound tech told us what we were looking at (the same experience we had with Matthew). We tried to get a good 3D shot of his face, but every time she tried, he would cover his face with his hands.

Now we have the hard task of coming up with a name that we can both decide on. Matthew is saying "brother" now and also working on saying the names we are thinking of. If it was going to be a girl, he had Ali (for Allison) down pat. For some reason though I think he will still call his brother Ali!


Michelle Meister said...

What a sweet picture Laurie! Matthew will be a great big brother! :0)

Mandy said...

I am so happy for you guys! Congrats! I can't tell you how fun it is to have two boys- they will be good buddies! I can't believe summer flew by and we never got a chance to go to the park! Bummer! So sorry to hear about Matthew's ears too- sounds like he is a talking machine though!