We are adjusting quite well to the arrival of Andrew! We have hit some bumps in the road with Matthew wanting to go to bed, but other than that he hasn't been too jealous of Andrew. He is slowly warming up to Andrew too. Today he actually gave him a kiss on the lips and a few real hugs. Up until now Matthew has been scared on Andrew and would only give him "air" kisses. Andrew is doing wonderful, almost gaining back all his weight he lost after he was born. I take him to the doctor on Monday for a 2 week check-up. He is eating about every three hours during the day and every four to five hours at night, which is really nice! He hasn't been the eater that Matthew was, so I usually have to feed him, then change his diaper to wake him up and then feed him again to finish the round. It takes a bit longer, but hopefully as he gets older his little tummy will hold more.
My recovery has been excellent! I pretty much stopped the big pain meds the day after I got home. Occasionally I will take some Motrin for a headache or small pains. The second time around has been much, much easier on my body. Not sure if it is because I knew what to expect and I made sure I handled labor differently. I also didn't gain as much weight this time around and was more active while pregnant chasing Matthew around. I lost my last two pounds today and am now at my pre-pregnancy weight. My wedding ring fits great and I got into my regular jeans yesterday! I also am taking it easy and listening to my body. I haven't picked up Matthew yet because he is too heavy and that KILLS me! About another week or so and I will be able to. I also can't drive until Monday, so I have been at the mercy of others to cart my behind around town. I have been fortunate to have my mom here with me during the day, she has helped out a lot! She has been getting Matthew to daycare, cleaning the house, doing the laundry, and driving me around. We'll see how I do next week on my own!