Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Baby Update

I went to the doctor today for my weekly visit and to see how things are going with the baby. I have been having some contractions, mainly in my lower back and lots of discomfort in general. I was eager to go today to see what they had to say. His heart rate is good and strong at 144. My blood pressure was a little higher than usual, but just getting back to work may have been the reason for that. We did find out that he is in a breech position and slightly tilted to the right. Meaning his head is near my right rib cage. This explains the constant heartburn and acid reflux and the odd pressure and kicking I have been feeling in my pelvis. Turns out it is his feet kicking down there, which feels completely different than with Matthew. I am also measuring a week ahead, which is new this week. I was very constant up until now and measuring what my calendar due date was. This week I am measuring 38 weeks, even though I am 37. I get to continue to work for the next week unless something comes up or happens. I return to the doctor next Thursday for another visit and exam.

Now that we are getting very close, we have really gotten into full gear getting things ready in the house. We brought up the car seat to get in the car and Matthew has really taken to that. Every morning he puts his Curious George in the car seat, covers him with a blanket and says "Bye baby bruder" before we leave for daycare! He seems very fascinated with babies at the store too and always points and calls to them. Not sure if this is all related or not, but it's cute.

Ryan's work is going good too. He worked two 84 hour weeks during Christmas vacation and is now back to a normal 40 hour work week...for now. It will most likely change next week. Although it is hard to have him gone that much, it is also a much needed paycheck to pay ourselves back for the time he was off. Unfortunately in his trade there are no "normal" work weeks. When they have work, you work your behind off and you don't turn anything down. When they are slow, you're laid off until work picks up again. It may not be the "norm" but it is our life and we'll take it.

We really learned a lot over the past year about our life. Not working for seven months was hard, but we got through it and we are stronger as a result. It doesn't matter where you work or what you do. What matters to us is our health, our family and that we have each other. Who knows what this year will bring us, but we know we will make it through no matter what.

On a side note, I'd like to wish a BIG congratulations to Lindsay and Jon Brink. They welcomed Connor Stephen on Monday, January 4th. He was 7 pounds, 9 ounces and 21 inches long. Brady loves being a big brother. I can't wait for Andrew and Connor to grow up together and have the friendship that Matthew and Brady do.

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