We had a very eventful weekend to say the least! Ryan and I were battling a respiratory cold/infection which caused a lot of coughing for the both of us. Not a big deal for Ryan, he was able to get a Z-pack antibiotic and was feeling better by Sunday. The coughing for me started labor! My contractions started at 4:30 a.m. Sunday morning and were a bit erratic to start, so I didn't worry too much. By 9:00 a.m. they were about 7 minutes apart and starting to gain some ground in the pain department. I called the doctor and he had us come in to get checked. There was nothing happening with my cervix, so they gave my an IV for slight dehydration and a shot to help stop the contractions. After three hours at the hospital we were sent home with a note for me to be on bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy.
On our way home the contractions started up again, but they were very sporadic. My coughing got a bit worse and cough drops weren't helping, nor was cough medicine. By dinner time they were getting more regular, but still about 10 minutes apart. As the night went on they got closer and closer together and they shifted from the front of my pelvis to my lower back (the exact same as Matthew). By 1:00 a.m. they were consistently 4 minutes apart and time to call the doctor back. We were told to come in again for a check, but if nothing was happening I would be sent home again.
As we left for the hospital I got sick in the front yard, another sign of labor. We got the the hospital at 2:00 a.m and was immediately checked. I was dilated to 2 cm, 100 % effaced and my water was about to break. My doctor did a quick ultrasound to determine the position of Andrew and to our surprise he had turned that afternoon. He was head down, but not in my pelvis. At this point my contractions were every 90 seconds and very painful. I walked myself to the operating room and climbed up on the table to receive my spinal. We knew ahead of time that we were going to do a spinal instead of an epidural because with Matthew the epidural didn't work and I ended up getting knocked out for the procedure. Plus, the spinal would be less of a risk with the respiratory crud I had. Surgery started at 3:29 a.m. and he was born at 3:55 a.m. He was 7 pounds even and 21 inches long. He has long fingers and toes and a full head of dark, black hair. The longest eyelashes I have ever seen too and a spitting image of Matthew! He is eating great and sleeping great too. He is not much of a crier, but I am positive that will change.
I got to spend three more days in the hospital recovering and went home today to finally be a family. Our hospital was a very busy one too. The night Andrew was born, they delivered nine babies. On Tuesday they delivered 17 babies and another 12 last night! I was more than happy to be discharged early today to give up my room to another new mom. Overall, the doctors are saying that Andrew was 2.5 weeks early because they are using the February 2nd due date (from my 9 week ultrasound) instead of my calendar due date (January 25th). All I care is that he is healthy, which he is. Enjoy these pictures and the others we posted at our site!
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